Feeling Moody

It’s been a while since I wrote a Journal… there’s a LOT going on!

I’ve always wondered why people choose to move house straight after having kids. Aren’t things stressful enough adjusting to life with the new little human?! But now I get it. All the questions we previously had around where we wanted to settle down have slipped away and the pros of moving (more space, bigger garden, not opening the front door straight into the living room etc) outweigh the cons (temporary upheaval).

I don’t normally get too personal on here because I don’t want to share anything online that I wouldn’t share with a stranger on the street, but the last year has been the most challenging of my life in terms of my mental health. The uncertainty and stress of moving isn’t the cause… but it’s not helping!

I’ve been reluctant to talk on here about the challenges of becoming a mum. I wouldn’t want anyone who is struggling with infertility to feel I don’t appreciate what I have because I wouldn’t change it for the world! But becoming a mum has completely changed my life and that takes some serious adjustment. Becoming an adoptive mum has brought additional challenges, stress and pressure… add the collective trauma of a pandemic to the mix and there’s no wonder it’s been a tough time.

I’m finally starting to find my rhythm and feel content. A large part of that has been re-starting my habit and mood tracking. I’m keeping it really simple and focusing on the basics:

  • No social media after 8pm

  • In bed by 10pm (little’un wakes up between 4 and 5!)

  • Drinking water.

  • Eating fruit & veg.

  • Getting outside.

  • Knitting/making.

I’m not ticking all the boxes everyday but just tracking the habits helps remind me to practice self-care.

I’ve also started a new Moody Blanket design! I’m really enjoying knitting it and can’t wait to share it with you next year.

In the meantime, if you feel in need of some mood-tracking, you can buy my original Moody Blanket pattern and planner here.


Merry Christmas!


Knit in Notts - Sherwood